Japan Limonite Co. Ltd. Is using a natural resource of Aso, limonite, effectively in various environmental fields. English/Japaniese
| 2019.07 The company opens its MS Mineraso Obihiro Office in collaboration with Maezawa Engineering Service Inc.
| 2019.06 Aso limonite is introduced in “Bura Tamori”, a TV program broadcasted by Japan’s national network, NHK.
| 2018.10 The Kumamoto Prefectural Government awards the company as a “Blight Company”.
| 2017.12 METI awards the company as a “Regional Future-Leading Company”.
| 2017.12 The Kumamoto Prefectural Government awards the company as a Yoka Boss company (an Excellent Management company).
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Company overview What is LIMONITE Business and product Original Selection
◆Birth of Limonite
◆Sales Division
◆Stockbreeding Division
◆R&D Division
◆Manufacturing Division
◆factory Division
【Main Products】
◆Desulfurization agent for hydrogen sulfide, “Limonic”
◆Water revitalization product, “Light Clear
◆Soil Activator, “Limonido”
◆A-Feed for pig breeding, “Light mineral”
◆A-Feed for pig breeding, “Asord”
◆Aso Odo Shabon
◆Noni Juice
Copyright(c) 1960 JAPAN LIMONITE Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.