Japan Limonite Co. Ltd. Is using a natural resource of Aso, limonite, effectively in various environmental fields. English/Japaniese
◆Desulfurization agent, “Limonic”
◆Water revitalization product, “Light Clear”
◆Soil Activator, “Limonido”
◆A-Feed for pig breeding, “Light mineral”
◆A-Feed for pig breeding, “Asord”
<The feed made of 100% natural iron and other minerals which volcanic Mount Aso has been producing >
【The feed made of 100% natural iron and other minerals which volcanic Mount Aso has been producing
・Helps newly-born calves to maintain a normal thymus gland and immune strength with high purity iron content.
Provides milking cows and calves in the growing period with iron which is apt to be insufficient in their body system.
Able to activate microbe in the stomach with iron supplementation and help cows’ system absorb nutrients without any waste.
Able to adsorb gases inside cows’ stomach, thus relieve loose bowel movement and a diarrheal disease.
Effective for reducing a bad smell in cows’ excrement and making it a material for good quality manure and slurry.
 Standard Usage
 Daily recommendation
 Mother Cows/Milking Cows/Dry Dairy Cows : 50 to 70g/head
 Breeding Cows : 20 to 50g/head
 Calves : 10 to 20g/head
 The results of tests on mother cows and calves
Copyright(c) 1960 JAPAN LIMONITE Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.